Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dallas DWI Lawyer - Mark Lassiter


Many people don't realize how serious DWI or a DUI charge could be. They take it lightly not knowing how much the consequences could affect their life. Over the years the law has become stricter in the county of Dallas against drunk driving. Calling a lawyer should be the first thing to do when your arrested for DWI/DUI in Dallas.

Contact the office of Mark T. Lassiter, Dallas DWI lawyer for experienced legal services. The Dallas DUI defense attorney who's aggressive and will effectively identify and challenge weaknesses in your case against you. His understanding of Dallas DWI laws and the criminal justice system helps him successfully fight off a Dallas DWI/DUI charge against you.

Saving Your License

Being accused of drunk driving, DWI, or DUI in Dallas can lead to an automatic suspension of your driver's license. The process of saving your license and right to drive is not easy and requires the expertise of a Dallas DWI defense lawyer. Let experienced Dallas DWI attorney Mark Lassiter assist you with:

* Driver's License Hearings
* Administrative License Revocation (ALR)
* Occupational Driver’s Licenses

Remember, you have only 15 days to challenge the suspension of your license in court. Don't wait until the last minute – call the offices of Dallas DUI defense attorney Mark Lassiter at 214.457.1668 today.

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