Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rhode Island DUI Lawyer - James Powderly


James Powderly is Rhode Island DUI Defense attorney who's aggressive and effective representation to individuals facing DUI charges. With approximately 500 client cases successfully defended and a thorough knowledge of the judicial system, he is the kind of DUI defense attorney you need on your side.

As a result of Rhode Island's recent "crack down" on drunk driving, Rhode Island DUI laws have become some of the strictest in the nation. Without proper representation such as Rhode Island DUI attorney James Powderly, a first time DUI offender is at risk for significant penalties including a loss of license, thousands of dollars in fines, a criminal conviction, higher insurance premiums and in some cases, risk of incarceration.

Read testimonials of clients to see what they have to say about Rhode Island DUI attorney James Powderly

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