Tuesday, July 22, 2008

LinkBunch - Put Multiple Links Into One Small Link!


LinkBunch - Lets you put multiple links into one small link which you can share over IM, Twitter, email or even a mobile phone SMS.

Simply put in a list of links in the box on the website and click 'Bunch' to get your small LinkBunch link!

What is LinkBunch?

A link bunch is just that - a bunch of links.
Often you find several links on the web that you want to share on services such as instant messengers (Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, etc.) or microblogging platforms such as Twitter (which has a 140-character limit) and Pownce (which only has one link field). With LinkBunch, you take all those links and put them into one "bunch", which is just one single link--which looks like a TinyURL or SnipURL link--and give that around instead. Saves space, looks cleaner and saves a few bytes of bandwidth!

When the recipient clicks on the tiny LinkBunch link, he/she will be presented with a page that contains all the links that you put in the bunch. He/she can then click any of those links and visit the desired pages!

URL: http://linkbun.ch/

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