Monday, July 21, 2008

Onesens - Spread Words!


Have fun with your note. Send innovative messages contains photo, video, and music. Share your Onesenss e-cards with family and friends via email.

Onesens, what for ?

Onesens will change the way you communicate via the worldwide web.
It could be compared to an email application but it's much more exciting.
It enables you to blend pictures, videos and text into a truly multimedia experience.
It could be described as one of the very first web 2.0 messaging applications.
Onesens can be used to celebrate any occasion and/or to convey any message: birthday, new job, new house, invitation to a party, ask someone's hand or...break up ;-)
The widgets created with Onesens can be embedded in any social network, to enhance interaction between buddies & friends.


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